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Homemade White BUTTER:How to make butter at home with cream

Homemade white butter
Homemade white butter

Homemade White BUTTER:How to make butter at home with cream

Butter is very nutritious and it also enhances the taste of food. Everyone’s body needs fats in a normalised way to keep themselves healthy and active. It is also good for grown up children and babies of 8, 9 months who just have started their solids. It helps them to gain weight. So today I brought up HOW TO MAKE WHITE BUTTER AT HOME for you. Because I know the ones in the market have a different taste and they also had preservatives etc to increase their life.

Benefits of homemade white butter

First of all we will discuss some of the benefits of the benefits of Homemade white butter. 

Benefits of homemade white butter

  • Homemade white Butter contains vitamin D,a nutrient that is very helpful in growing and developing bones.
  • It also has calcium, which is essential for bone strength. Calcium also helps prevent diseases which make bones weak and fragile. 
  • It also contains fatty acids and vitamin A. Which can create a natural glow on your skin and makes your skin look healthier. 
  • It also contains calories and fats more than the butter available in the market or of a brand.
  • Homemade white butter has saturated fats and our bodies, most importantly our brain, needs saturated fats for performing all its functions well and properly.
  • It is also good for intestinal problems. Like gestural issues and constipations.
  • Good for eye health. 
  • Good for the joint pains in the body. 

Healthy diet for children and babies

  • Homemade Butter is full of nutritions and is hygienic too and must be included in children and babies diet.
  • It has so many health benefits. 
  • It helps the babies of 6 months and above in gaining weight.
  • It helps their brain growth. It has a lot of calories which help them grow.
  • It makes their bones strong as well. And the best diet to keep them stomach full.
  • Also enhances the taste of their food, makes it tasty that they want to eat more and could not resist themselves from eating. 

How to make White butter:

Many people would say take 2 litre milk, 3 litre etc. I would simply say that use the quantity of cow’s milk or buffalo's milk fresh milk, you take daily for your household, simply boil it and let it cool and put it into the refrigerator and chill it properly, you will see a thick layer of cream over it after 3 to 4 hours. Separate the cream and put it into an airtight container and freeze it. Repeat this process daily for fourteen days or more. Unless you get the quantity of cream according to your desire. The quantity of cream will also depend on the quantity and quality of milk. The more the milk, the more cream you can get out of it. The less milk, the less quantity you will get. If you are using cow’s milk it may give you less cream as it is thin in consistency as compared with buffalo’s milk. Buffalo’s milk can give you more cream if it is pure. And is also thick in consistency. 

So coming back towards the process of WHITE BUTTER. After gathering the cream for a month, 15 days or a week. When you get your desired quantity take it out of the freezer for making WHITE BUTTER from it. Leave it for 10 to 15 mins or maximum half hour at room temperature and after that pour the cream into a blending jug or you can also use a hand blender machine. Both would give you awesome results.Or you can also use a manual wooden blender or a beater but it would take a lot of time and energy. In case of using a blender jug just pour the cream in it and cover it carefully and turn on the machine.

Making white butter in a machine blender

making butter at home with fresh cream

You can also add some ice cubes in it, it will help the butter fats rise quickly. Repeat this process two to three times and the butter will rise to the upper surface. And if you are using a hand blender machine, then pour the cream in any bowl, and blend it with a hand blender but be careful because it may split here and there.

 Blend it properly for 5 to 7 mins and you will notice the butter coming on the surface. The milk will then be separated. Remove the butter with the help of your hands or any strainer. But it is better to use your hands.

Straining butter with hands

 Take a bowl of chilled water and put the butter in it and wash it. Repeat the process 2,3 times until the water remains clear. It is an indication that the butter is purified now. If not washed properly it may feel bitter in taste.

Your Homemade white butter is just ready. 

How to make butter at home in blender
Homemade butter

How to store homemade white butter

Simply put it in a dry air tight container. And freeze it. You can use it within a month. 

How to make desi ghee from homemade white butter. 

How to make desi ghee from homemade butter
Desi ghee made from homemade white butter

You can also convert this butter into desi ghee only by melting it over low medium heat. Until it boils. When it starts changing its color and the impurities start getting seperated at the bottom, turn off the flame and let it cool. You can also add a pinch of salt and turmeric to give better taste, smell and color. After letting it cool, strain it with the help of a malmal cloth or a strainer. And store it in the refrigerator by putting it in an airtight glass jar. And you can use it until its smell changes. But don't keep it in a plastic jar or container because it may get fungus within a few days. So I recommend you to avoid plastic containers to keep this ghee. 

Recipe for 9 months old baby

You can also use it in making food for your little one. 

  • Zucchini
  • Spanich
  • Potato 
  • Carrot 

Making baby's meal with homemade butter

Take equal quantities of all the above mentioned veggies, cut them in cubes, slices or whatever way you want to cut in. The quantity should be according to your baby's stomach requirement. Put them in a pan, add some water and a pinch of salt in it and also a tablespoon of homemade white butter. Cook it until the veggies get tender but remain juicy. Blend it well and give it to your baby. He will enjoy the goodness of homemade white butter. It's a simple recipe for your baby. 

Note: if you could'nt get fresh milk. As in most of countries it is not available so you can use any full fat cooking/whipping cream. It will also give you better reasults the procedure of making butter will remain same. 

Hope you enjoyed today's article and the simple recipe of making White butter at home. If you find it helpful please let me know in the comment box. Your response means a lot. 

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